Ciao Eloisa


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Want to play a disruptive game and never seen before? It's called NATURAL LANGUAGE CONVERSATION and is like playing a game of chess, using just the words. You can talk about friendship, love, sex, dreams, money, work, politics, philosophy, religion or whatever, going from one subject to another in any moment.Eloisa analyzes your language and returns a constant feedback, but beware: the analysis may be different from what you expect. She does not act like your prof (good news, right?), your doctor, your lawyer, your financial advisor and, in general, she does not think like a human being. Consequently, to win this game you must use the language creatively, just as Eloisa do.
The artificial intelligence wargames have just begun and all commercial companies operating on a global scale (so called corporations) are in the field. Eloisa also operates on a global scale, however she does not say the same things that your digital assistant would say.